“People who read tend to enjoy better health and make more money” says Lydie Hakizimana.

by Duchess Magazine

 Lydie Hakizimana is co-founder and Managing Director of Drakkar Limited, a  specialist re-seller and distributor of educational textbooks. It all started back in 2006 when this avid bookworm decided to follow her passion and opened a small bookshop. Before long, her entrepreneurial instincts had her developing relationships with numerous publishing companies.

Eventually, she struck a deal that was to be the making of her company with UK publisher, Pearson Education. Drakkar rapidly evolved into a leading educational textbooks reseller in Rwanda, becoming an important enabler of her country’s vision for building a knowledge-based economy.

Today, Lydie manages 45 employees and thirty part-time distributors covering the five provinces of Rwanda. Lydie has also added exclusive distributor deals with Longman, Heinemann and Penguin to her Pearson contract.

Lydie has been a reader all through her early school days she has imbibed the character of reading and has actualized its advantages, Recently speaking she opened up on her philosophy and way she sees a Reader

“Reading skills build the foundation for all future learning, and it is proven that people who can read enjoy better health, make more money, and serve their communities more effectively,” she said.

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