Nigerian Student Breaks Record Again, “Augusta Uwamanzu-Nna” gets accepted into 8 Ivy League schools, and 4 more.

by Duchess Magazine

Elmont Memorial High School senior, Augusta Uwamanzu-Nna daughter of Nigerian us based parents was accepted to all eight Ivy League schools leaving her with options to pick and decisions to make. Last year, Elmont Memorial High School’s salutatorian Harold Ekeh was also offered this admission but he chose to attend Yale University after having his pick of all eight Ivy League schools just like Augusta.

Augusta who was a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search for her research on cement  say’s she plans to pursue a science-related course, she has also been invited to the White House Science Fair.


Mr and Mrs Uwamanzu and their daughter.


Despite this huge remarkable success,the road was not very smooth for her.

She said “I’ve struggled with numerous classes in the past, but I guess what allowed me to be successful is my persistence and my tenacity.”


Ultimately, Uwamanzu-Nna hasn’t made a final decision on what school she will attend, but with acceptance to the ivy 8 and 4 additional schools, she has a total of 12 schools to choose from — and a hard decision to make.


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