Nigerian Chef Hilda Baci Breaks Guinness World Record for Longest Cooking Marathon

by Duchess Magazine

Hilda Baci, a Nigerian chef, has broken the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon by an individual. Baci cooked for 88 hours straight, surpassing the previous record of 87 hours and 45 minutes set by Lata Tondon in 2019.

Baci began her cooking marathon on Thursday, May 12th at 4pm local time in Lagos, Nigeria. She cooked a variety of dishes, including Nigerian favorites like jollof rice, fufu, and egusi soup. She also cooked international dishes like pasta, pizza, and sushi.

Baci said that she was inspired to break the world record to promote Nigerian cuisine and to show the world that Nigerian chefs are some of the best in the world. She also said that she wanted to inspire other women to follow their dreams.

Baci’s feat has been met with widespread praise from Nigerians and people around the world. She has been hailed as a national hero and an inspiration to women everywhere.

In an interview with CNN, Baci said that she was “overwhelmed” by the support she has received. She said that she hopes her record-breaking achievement will “open doors” for other Nigerian chefs and that it will inspire people to “never give up on their dreams.”


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