#MotherDaughterGoals: This Duo run 1st mother-daughter orthodontics practice in US

by Duchess Magazine

Jana and Janelle McQueen both HBCU grads now run the first mother-daughter orthodontics practice in Michigan, United States, according to WDIV.

The pair who now operate McQueen Orthodontics Specialists have always had much in common; both were middle children, are graduates of Howard University and Meharry Medical College; they both graduated at the top of their class. Now, they own three orthodontics offices across the Metro Detroit region.

Dr. Jana opened her practice in 1998 when her daughter, Dr. Janelle, was just a baby. Now, after following in her mothers footsteps

“I didn’t ask her to do this,” said Dr. Jana. “It just warms my heart to have her as my legacy; the comfort of knowing once I decide to retire, the practice is going to be in good hands.”

Both women are dedicated to helping other young women professionals like Dr. Janelle grow in this male-dominated industry offering mentoring and job shadowing to individuals who are interested.

“Especially the Black mothers that come in here and they’re bringing their daughters in here, they’re like, ‘Oh look at this; look, the mom and daughter are doing this; she’s a doctor, you can achieve this goal,’” said Dr. Janelle.

They operate McQueen Orthodontics Specialists in various locations across Michigan, including Dearborn, Southfield, Clinton Township.

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