Millie Brown; The Black Queen Bringing Comfort To Moms And Families Who Lost Their Loved Ones To Gun Violence

by Duchess Magazine

She’s not one of the popular figures gracing cover pages and making massive headlines, but this black Queen is going absolute amazing work behind the scenes.

In the wake untold horrors meted on black families, having to lose their dearest ones to gun related violence, Millie Brown touched by their plight has been extra busy behind the scenes trying to give mothers and families a reason to smile.

“My greatest accomplishment is being able to touch so many lives,” Brown said, “and being able to make mothers smile.”

The Baltimore native inspired by witnessing first hand the indescribable heartbreak of mothers when the news of their loss is first broken, while she was working in emergency and operating rooms at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, founded the nonprofit Tears of a Mother’s Cry in 2007 in order to provide some form of solace.

“I felt compelled to start a foundation to help these women,” Brown said, telling NBCBLK that when she launched the group, she was working with about 40 mothers and families.

Millie Brown providing comfort to families who lost their lives ones to gun voilence

Brown, now retired, has helped more than 1,000 mothers in Baltimore area to cope with their grief. Brown accompanies the families to court dates and gravesites. Other times, she visits their homes and helps them cook meals, or just sits and talks with them.

Brown also hosts events such as park outings and Thanksgiving dinners for the mothers and their families. One who holds dear to her heart was a Christmas dinner she held in 2018 during which her son, artist William Brown, drew portraits of some of the deceased children.

“He has been doing the portraits for the past 11 years and giving them back to the families,” she said.

Brown who has also dedicated time towards helping educate younger ones on the effect of crime has big goals for her organization.

“I hope my foundation can one day spread to other states, and I can help families from all over the country,” she said.

Well done!!

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