Methodist Church Nigeria ordains first female bishop, Right Reverend Nkechi Nwosu

by Joseph Omoniyi

The Methodist Church Nigeria, Archdiocese of Kaduna, made history on Sunday by ordaining Right Reverend Nkechi Nwosu as the church’s first-ever female bishop. The enthronement ceremony took place at the Christ Methodist Cathedral Church in Jos, North Central Nigeria, and was presided over by the Archbishop of Kaduna, Most Reverend Joseph Nnonah.

The ordination was in line with the decision made at the biennial Conference of Methodist Church Nigeria in 2022, where Nwosu was elected as the Bishop of Jos. The event was attended by members of the Diocese of Jos, who witnessed the ceremony in which the Archbishop of Kaduna archdiocese formally ordained Bishop Nwosu to oversee the diocese.

In her remarks, Nwosu emphasized the equality of all humans in the eyes of God and urged all Nigerians to seek the face of God as the general elections approached.

“We must all go out there and agree with God, listen to the spirit of God, and do what God said we should do,” the new bishop stated.

The Enthronement Act was administered on the bishop as directed by the conference and in accordance with the will and consent of the Diocese of Jos. Bishop Nwosu officially began her spiritual duties as the Bishop of Jos Diocese and sees it as a privilege in the propagation of the gospel without any prejudice.

The enthronement of Nwosu as the first female bishop of the Methodist Church Nigeria is a significant step towards gender equality in the church and shows that the propagation of the gospel is a task that transcends gender issues.




Joseph Omoniyi

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