Meet ‘ETHEL COFIE’ The pioneering leader of Africa’s ‘Women-in-Tech’.

by Duchess Magazine

Ethel Cofie is an entrepreneurial powerhouse in the highly competitive and traditionally male dominated tech industry on the African continent. Through her own business building efforts, and as a successful network builder for pan-African women in tech, she is helping to change the face of the industry, breaking down barriers to entry along the way. Today, she works tirelessly to promote entrepreneurship as a viable career proposition for young women interested in the world of IT and technology, and to promote the power of networking for women in tech.

Ethel Cofie is a leading tech entrepreneur from Ghana and the founder and CEO of Edel Technology Consulting, a company that provides IT and software services as an enabler and catalyst for businesses to achieve their goals.

Ethel is the founder of Women in Tech Africa, initiator of the 1st Pan African woman in tech meetup and was shortlisted for the UN GEM Tech Award for work supporting women in ICT. She has been featured by the BBC and CNN for her work in technology and promoting women’s leadership.

She is a woman with a genuine passion for technology and is a real advocate for women’s entrepreneurship in the sector.

Today, her company Edel Consultancy, which she founded in 2013, is the primary vehicle for driving her technology passion.

At the same time, it provides a platform from which to run powerful women in technology networking groups and alliances, focused on education and enhancing women’s careers in the sector.

In the preceding decade, she gained invaluable global industry experience working with a wide range of innovative and transformational tech systems and products in different capacities including Product/Solutions Management, Business Analysis, Software Development, Service Management, Strategy Development and Implementation.

Her career path took her to the UK between 2006 and 2009 where she undertook her MSc in Distributed Systems at Brighton University, followed by a corporate position as a Business and Systems Analyst with RDF Solutions. Both proved to be invaluable experiences that were to help shape her next career moves.

Ethel Cofie is a real inspiration, not just to women entrepreneurs in Africa’s tech sector, but to all those women who would like to build a career or a successful business in this highly competitive and male dominated industry.

She is living proof that with enough tenacity, self-belief, and a vision to be an industry game changer for the benefit of others, you can achieve incredible results. 

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