Meek Mill and Kevin Hart Donate $15 Million to Help Underserved Youths In Philadelphia

by Duchess Magazine
Meek Mill and Kevin Hart Donate $15 Million to Help Underserved Youths In Philadelphia

Rapper Meek Mill and comedian Kevin Hart, both Philly natives, together with 76ers owner Michael Rubin have teamed up to donate $15 million to Philadelphia schools.

Although the particular schools in Hart and Mill’s hometown weren’t disclosed by the trio, 110 schools will be beneficiaries they disclosed. The funds will be donated for the 2022-2023 school year.

“We care about education a lot,” said Rubin. “I don’t know if you guys saw, Meek and I have been talking a lot about education. We’re actually gonna commit, between Meek and I in Pennsylvania, millions of dollars to Pennsylvania schools this year.”

Hart also dished on the collaboration as well on Twitter with the caption, “We love you Philadelphia,” wrote Hart. “So much love for my brothers @michaelrubin & @meekmill …. #StandUpPhilly#CityOfBrotherlyLove.”

We love you Philadelphia…. So much love for my brothers @michaelrubin & @meekmill …. #StandUpPhilly #CityOfBrotherlyLove

Mill also seemingly referenced the donation to Philadelphia schools with his Twitter post. “If you not doing nothing for people,” wrote Mill. “You outta pocket speaking on the ones who do for people!”

This isn’t the first time Mill is partnering with Rubin. Earlier they had created a $2 million scholarship fund during the coronavirus pandemic to help students survive during the lockdown. The rapper also partnered with Rubin to help families distressed by the broken criminal justice system.

The comedian and rapper partnered with REFORM Alliance to give the VIP treatment to help children unfairly treated by the justice system. Twenty-five kids were treated to a 76ers game and were able to play on the court.

Rubin took to Twitter to highlight REFORM Alliance.

“Was a great day and meant so much to get to spend time with these amazing families and continue to learn about all the issues within the criminal justice system as it relates to probation and parole,” wrote Rubin. “@reform has made great strides already, but there’s so much more work to do!”

“What an incredible night! Incarcerating people for technical probation violations impacts families, and especially children. Thanks again to @sixers, @michael rubin, Meek Mill, @lilbaby4PF, Doc Rivers & others who helped give families in Philly a special day #NightAtTheSixers.”

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