Kerry Washington Signs Overall Production Deal with ABC Studios

by Duchess Magazine

ABC is building on their relationship with one of their biggest stars, as “Scandal’s” Kerry Washington has signed an overall deal with ABC Studios and ABC Signature Studios. 

Under the new pact, Washington will be expanding her behind-the-camera work, developing broadcast, cable and digital projects exclusively for ABC Studios and ABC Signature, which specializes in cable and digital content.

Washington has entered into the deal by way of her recently launched production companySimpson Street. The shingle debuted its first project earlier this month with HBO’s film “Confirmation” in which Washington starred as Anita Hill. ABC Signature was also behind the TV movie, which received positive reviews.

As part of the deal, first reported by Deadline, Sharla Sumpton Bridgett (“Coach Carter”) has been brought on as a development executive and producing partner at Simpson Street.

“I believe strongly in the importance of having a seat at the table which makes starting this production company thrilling for me. It’s an honor to be at a point in my career when I can help generate projects that that are exciting, necessary, and truly reflect the world around us,” Washington said in a statement. “I’m grateful to be on this journey with ABC, a network that remains unparalleled in its commitment to inclusive storytelling.”

“Kerry Washington is not only a great actress, but a smart, creative producer, and we’re thrilled to have her new production company Simpson Street as part of ABC Studios. We’re looking forward to making great television with Kerry both in front of and behind the camera,” added ABC Studios EVP Patrick Moran.

This past development season, Washington got into the producing business with ABC who bought a script for a nanny-themed dramedy from Shondaland with Washington attached as an exec producer. The project was never picked up to pilot and still sits in development.

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