Issa Rae X Converse: Drops first ever customizable sneaker collection and yes it’s empowering!

by Duchess Magazine
Issa Rae X Converse:

Super creative award winning producer and actress Issa Rae is taking motivation up several notches and we love to see it.

“Issa Rae By You,” limited edition collection centered around Rae’s daily affirmations and manifestations has been unveiled by the Insecure star in collaboration with young Haitian/Black Art Director & Designer Nicky Fulcher. The shoes are priced at $115.

Unlike its predecessors, “Issa Rae By You,”the sneaker line gives customers the opportunity to design as well ” Each shoe can be customized with words and phrases that motivate me.” Rae wrote. Some affirmations written on the body include; “Get Out Of My Way” “Run With It”, “Do It All!” “Focus,” “Celebrate the Wins,” “Take Up More Space,” and “Walking in Your Purpose.

Issa Rae X Converse Issa Rae X Converse:  Issa Rae X Converse:

“It was all about empowering the next generation to get up and DO what it is they aspire to do,” Rae said in a statement. “So the team took some of my personal affirmations and approaches to life, and put them into the design of the shoe.”

The converse website writes the sneakers “celebrate the non-stop pace of creative pursuits and the motivational messages that keep them flowing.”

Fulcher, shared his excitement partnering with the 36 year old in a statement: “Collaborating with Issa felt natural,” says Fulcher. “To have the opportunity to collaborate with Issa is a dream come true, not because of who she is, but what she stands for.”

Love! love!

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