How to help a friend that has body odour- Layole Oyatogun

by Duchess Magazine

TV presenter and fashion enthusiast, Layole Oyatogun has opined that it is best to tell close friends who have body odour rather than give them perfumes and deodorant sprays to mask the stench.

According to her, sometimes, people who have this challenge may not be aware.

Describing her post on her Instagram page as the “painful truths”, she wrote: “Let’s talk about some PAINFUL truths today- BODY ODOUR. You are a wicked friend if you cannot tell a close friend he or she has body odour. STOP giving them perfumes and deodorant sprays hoping to mask the stench, tell them the truth…. in a nice way. It is better you tell them than let the world continuously mock them behind their backs.

“I attended an event some days ago and sat beside a group of friends. As soon as one of the girls walked to the restroom, her friends kept on talking about how she stinks and none of them could tell her. They all kept mum the moment she joined them back on their table. FYI-

“People who smell sometimes don’t know they do. TELL THEM!’




Source: allure.vanguardngr

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