‘How to Get Away with Murder’ Series Draws To An Emotional Tearjerking Close

by Duchess Magazine

After 90 totally awesome spellbinding episodes entertaining fans around the world, ABC’s “How to Get Away with Murder” concluded its six-season run Thursday drawing the curtains to a perfect close as Annalise ( Viola Davis) really did “get away with murder” and won her case, with the jury finding her not guilty on all charges.
The hit drama which starred Academy Award winner Viola Davis ended with a resounding applause from social media users: “Props to the writers of How to Get Away With Murder for having a consistently good series from the first episode to the last,” one person wrote. “Not many shows can claim that. What an amazing end to an amazing series. The final scene being an iconic moment to remember!” One Twitter user wrote.

The show’s creator Pete Nowalk reminiscing about the whole process explains what it was like writing Annalise’s final courtroom speech:

I don’t remember it being a process. I just finally wanted to say what the show was about for me and what it became. A lot that is also in what that character became for Viola. It was very important to me that we were clear, that we actually said what we meant, and we put those words in her mouth. I think when it came to writing, it took me like 30 minutes. It was really easy because I knew the character so well and I knew what she had been through and I knew what she stood for. From the beginning, Viola and I talked about the mask that Annalise wears. I was ready for Viola to have a million thoughts and make it deeper and better. [But at] the read through, she just turned to me and she goes, “I love that speech.” I’ve never heard her continuously tell me she loves something so much. Every time I’d go to her she’s like,” I love that speech.” It’s one of those instances where it just came together really easily, I think because we’ve been talking about these ideas for seven years together.


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