Here’s how I got started with very little capital- Nkemdilim Begho

by Duchess Magazine

Nkemdilim Begho is founder and Managing Di­rector of Future Software Resources Limited, an IT solutions provider focused on online solutions, e-learning and IT security.

As one of a few Nigerian women in the industry, her success is founded on a passion for driving innovative thinking, building a globally recognized technology brand and setting trends in the Nigerian Technology space.

Respected and recognized as a leader in her industry, Nkem is regularly featured in newspaper and magazine publications and as an expert speaker on ICT in Africa.

She’s a recipient of many awards including the Jim Ovia Prize for Software Excel­lence, and the Etisalat Prize for Innovation.

She regularly volunteers for mentoring and empowerment programmes often sharing her experiences with young Nigerians and less privileged children.

According to her, Her start off point was not too convincing in terms of yielding good prospects, but she was keen in getting good results from the small she had.

“I started at the very basic and that is the module I have kept and practised over the years. We really never needed to raise capital. It’s been basically about re-investing in my business and not taking much money out…. we started very small and very basic and we only spent on things that were really necessary and not things we would like to have.” she said.

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