Help! His Teenage Daughter Is Ruining Our Marriage.

by Duchess Magazine

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Here is a message we received in our inbox. We will appreciate your contributions on this issue. Remember that a problem shared is a problem half solved. If you have an issue bothering you, feel free to send a mail to

Dear Duchess

My Name is Blanche, I have been married for five years to my husband. I have a daughter from my previous marriage who stays with my mother, because I was trying to avoid conflict in the marriage as she still has a very good relationship with her father.

My husband has two daughters who stay with us because their mother passed away

I love these children but the oldest one is 15 years old and she practically runs the house and our marriage.

Whatever she wants she must get no matter what. I try to talk to my husband about her behavior and tell him that it is not good to give her everything, as she must learn to sometimes work for things that she wants.

She doesn’t do her household chores and if I scold her she stays in her room and does not talk to me for the whole week. She will only talks to her father and she has told me that she wishes her mother was alive.

My husband doesn’t want to understand or even do anything about the girls when they are wrong

He alone has the right to reprimand them: if I do then there will be a huge fight in the house about that. He tells me that I don’t like his girls, and then later apologies but keeps doing the same thing.

We agreed that we need to send my daughter (who stays with my mother) money every month but if I don’t bring that up, my mother won’t get the money to see to the child’s needs and care.

I have even tried to commit suicide

I’m tired of being controlled by my husband’s daughter, I have even tried to commit suicide because the situation was very bad in the house but I survived. I don’t want to live like this anymore.

Please help!

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