Helen Njoroge – The Story Of A Kenyan Entrepreneur Making Procurement Opportunities Accessible Through Digital Platforms

by Duchess Magazine

One of the biggest challenges for many women entrepreneurs is finding new business opportunities. One women-led startup, Tenders Kenya, is looking to make a difference by connecting women entrepreneurs with new business opportunities by providing access to the tender environment in the country.


We found out more about this empowering entrepreneurship venture and the difference it is making to the business lives of other entrepreneurs in Kenya.

What does your company do?

We advertise all procurement opportunities in Kenya online through our website and social media sites.

What inspired you to start your company?

The government of Kenya in 2013 reserved 30% of all government tenders for women, youth and persons with disabilities. With many procurement systems online, Tenders Kenya offers a digital, cost effective and efficient channel where all entrepreneurs, and more so the youth in Kenya, can access all procurement opportunities, and not only government but also private sector opportunities.

Why should anyone use your service or product?

Our product is cost effective, that is, instead of one buying newspapers to view the procurement opportunities, they can view them online on our website or better yet, subscribe and receive daily procurement alerts to their emails. Our service to our subscribers is also efficient and reliable.

Tell us a little about your team

Apart from a team of four personnel, we have myself, Helen Njoroge as the founder and co- director as well as Ms. Peryl Adudans who is the co- founder and co-director. Our profiles are as below:

Helen is the Founder and Co- Director of Tenders Kenya, which is Kenya’s Number 1 Tender Site, where she is in charge of overseeing the strategic growth, profitability and development of the business. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Moi University and a Masters degree in Population Studies from the University of Nairobi. She has extensive experience in the NGO sector and in particular, women’s economic empowerment, policy advocacy and lobbying. She has continued to expand her horizons into new territory while at the same time growing her influence and impact in the areas for which she has been recognized. Helen is passionate about empowering young girls to further their education. Investing in education is indispensable to promote equality of employment opportunities and strengthen economic growth. Increased education participation is also linked to better health, and more investments in the education and health of children – especially among women and particularly in developing countries. In August 2015, Helen was recognized as one of the top 40 women under 40 in Kenya for her role in procurement. When all is said and done, her most treasured values are family, innovation, integrity, loyalty, service to society and professionalism.

Peryl Adudans is the co-founder of Tenders Kenya. She is responsible for strategic planning, taking fundamental consumer insights and building them into communication ideas that can work across platforms, markets and time. Ms. Adudans has over five years of rich national and international experience in human resource services and administration, having previously worked with Not for Profit Organizations and in the private sector where she acquired good exposure on business practices and procurement matters. Priding herself as a growing social entrepreneur, she has for years to date pursued her passion in providing solutions to today’s women in matters pertaining to fashionable dressing. Throughout her professional career and as a business woman, she has specialized in the creation and execution of thought leadership with a forte for building strategic communication and ensuring value delivery. Ms. Adudans is passionate about women’s empowerment and child care, and on the family front she is a wife and a mother of one.

“I am driven towards innovative and technologically-driven products and services that offer reliable and cost effective solutions to consumers.”

Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And, do you come from an entrepreneurial background?

I am also the Executive Officer of the Federation of Women Entrepreneur Associations, which is the umbrella body of all women entrepreneur associations in Kenya. Working at FEWA has been my main motivation towards my entrepreneurial journey. I meet very many successful women entrepreneurs on a daily basis who motivate me to become a successful entrepreneur. I am driven towards innovative and technologically-driven products and services that offer reliable and cost effective solutions to consumers.

What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?

I aim to expand Tenders Kenya to allow both the government and private sector to post their procurement opportunities in our website. This will allow them to save on advertising costs, as well as maximise the responses they are to receive. We have over 10,000 subscribers who access our website on a daily basis!

What gives you the most satisfaction being an entrepreneur?

The acknowledgement from subscribers on the efficiency of our services is my greatest satisfaction. We also receive numerous and fantastic opportunities to partner, which goes to show the relevance of our work.

What’s the biggest piece of advice you can give to other women looking to start-up?

I encourage women, especially the young women, to come up with innovative products and services and deviate from engaging in “traditional” entrepreneurial opportunities.


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