#HappyEaster; 5 Facts About This Egg-citing Holiday

by Duchess Magazine
Easter Bunnies

It’s another holiday! Yay!! Easter. Okay, hold on, just in case you’re sort of floating and don’t really quite get what the whole “hype” is all about, we got you covered; five details to help keep you in the know:

What is Easter?

While delicious looking chocolate bunnies and eggs might be giving you the wink at your every turn, Easter holds a whole lot more significance.

Easter, the oldest Christian holiday is regarded as the basis on which Christanity is founded because through fulfillment of the prophesy; death and ressurection of Jesus the son of God, the gift of eternal life was given to mankind. Easter holds a prominent spot in the Christian calender.

When is Easter;

Easter is a yearly celebration which takes place after Lent – a 40-day solemn religious observance by particularly those within the Anglican, Catholic and Orthodox traditions in preparation of the death and resurrection of Jesus Chris, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends six weeks on Holy Saturday before Easter Sunday
The period which sees Christians fasting, abstining from meat, fish, eggs and fats in general till Easter Sunday, including wearing ashes on Ash Wednesday. Easter Sunday marks the end of the Holy Week.

Why is Easter celebrated?

Christians all over the world celebrate the significant Resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter. Christ rose on the third day after his Crucifixion on Good Friday, confirming his identity as the son of God. Without the ressurrection, redemption, reconcilation and salvation wouldn’t have come to be.

Origin of the name Easter:
The word Easter derives from the pagan source – Eeostre or Eastre – Anglo saxon goddess of spring and fertility.

Easter and associations:

Eggs; Eggs seen to be a symbol of life have grown to become a joyous part of the celebration as it symbolizes fertility – new life and rebirth; the resurrection of Christ from the grave after crucification.

In some parts of the world, Easter eggs are dyed red in sybolism of the blood which was shed on the cross and Jesus’ historic ressurection from the tomb.
Pysanka painting/ decoratinh of egg art in widely practised in Ukraine.

The tallest chocolate Easter egg was measured at 10.39 metres in height and 7,200 kg in weight in Italy, 2011

Easter bunnies, Hares – rabbits are naturally said to have high reproductivity; fertility rate. So they are symbolic of new life, which is relatable to Easter. The idea of Easter Bunnies reports say was likely German immigrants who brought the idea of the Easter bunny to America in the 1700s, the tradition later spread to the United States.

There you have it. Happy Easter!

Image source: Calabasas Courier Online

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