Christine Wambulwa, 40, the only woman mechanic in Kakuma Town, Turkana County, Kenya is holding her head high in a world dominated by the male folk.
The 40 year old, born the 14th child, and the only girl was influenced by her brothers, doing virtually everything with them, from making toy cars to looking after cattle.
Due to financial constraints at grade eighth she stopped her education, marriage however was out of the equation as she was too young to marry. So she delved into repairing vehicles.
Today, Christine Wambulwa is the sole breadwinner of her family, she works to send her children to school, so they can have the education she couldn’t afford for herself. “I like this work so much. I work daily, I don’t have a weekend. Every day, by 7.30 a.m. I am at work and I work until 7.30 in the evening. But if someone has a vehicle break down in the middle of the road, or in the bush, at any time, I will go.” She tells
On challenges encountered on the job, she says: “First, I don’t have any space. I am working along the roadside. There’s also lack of capital, so I don’t have enough tools. Whatever little money I make, goes to the family, and for my children’s school fees.
The other challenge is ignorance. Men don’t believe that a woman can repair a vehicle. A man will think ten times before giving me a vehicle to repair.” Word of advice to other females aspiring to be better: “My message to other women and girls: Do not fear. Work is work. I lost my husband, so I had to work to provide for my family… Nothing’s hard for a woman, it’s only in the mind.” On the future: “My dream is to have my own garage and to train more girls and women in this trade I will be then known as the Kenyan woman mechanic who was able to have her own garage, train and mentor girls.” #ChristineWambulwa#inspiring#inspiration#girlpower#womenmechanics#repair