Ghanaian Born Verda Tett Lands $40,000 Harvard Scholarship, Gives It Out; Here’s Why!

by Duchess Magazine
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Fitchburg High School student Verda Tetteh, landed an opportunity of a lifetime with a $40,000 Scholarship to Harvard, but with the super amazing achievement, she saw beyond herself – an opportunity to help others. She decided to give it out to someone in need.

“I’m very grateful for this, but I also know that I’m not the one who needs it the most,” Tette said. “And I know my mom went to a community college and I know how useful it was, so if the government considers giving a general excellence scholarship to those who go to a community college. I’m very grateful, but I also know that I don’t need it the most. “

No regret;

“Yes, I would do it again.” Verda Tetteh said, stunning officials and family at Fitchburg High School while giving out the scholarship that would have been given to her in tranches of $10,000 throughout her four years at Harvard, according to WBZ.

Tetteh speaking with CNN said she felt the need to give to another student who may struggle to pay their way through community college.

“Whatever happens, someone else needed it more. I’m excited to see who it helps and how that changes their life, so I’m so happy that God gave me the strength to do that,” Verda told WBZ. “No one had the chance to say, ‘Don’t give away $40,000!’”

Tetteh had initially wanted to accept the award but after reflecting on the words of the school’s assistant principal Jeremy Roche, who urged the students at the graduation last Friday to be “bold and selfless,” she decided not give out the General Excellence Award scholarship, Face 2Face reports

She was also inspired by her mom, Rosemary who had to struggle before getting her degree

Rosemary migrated from Ghana to the United States but she had a tough time settling financially and had to work 80 hours a week to make ends meet at home. At the age of 47, Rosemary finally earned her college degree from a community college. Hence Tetteh felt need to help someone who needed that extra support.

Rosemary, like everyone at the ceremony, was “in shock” but she could not be prouder of the person her 17-year-old daughter is becoming.

“I just knew she’s ready for me to let her be on her own,” she said. “I’m not afraid, and I’m not sad about it that someone’s going to get some good help. If I had gotten that help, I would have been thrilled.”

Her Principal was obviously shocked and “moved by her generosity”. The school is looking for ways to re-appropriate the funds according to Tetteh’s wishes. Roche however added that the recipient has not yet been selected.

“When she started speaking on the microphone, I was overwhelmed,” Roche told CNN. “I think a lot of people in the stadium were, honestly. I was so moved by her generosity.”

Tetteh is heading to Harvard to study chemistry.


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