Ex-Tanzanian beauty queen/model, Millen Magese, unveil her son’s face in Genevieve magazine (photos)

by Duchess Magazine

Ex-Tanzanian beauty queen/model, Millen Magese, unveil her son

Ex-Tanzanian beauty queen/model, Millen Magese, has unveiled the face of her son, Prince Kairo, on the March 2018 cover of Genevieve magazine.

Ex-Tanzanian beauty queen/model, Millen Magese, unveil her son

Ex-Tanzanian beauty queen/model, Millen Magese, unveil her son

Millen who has battled Endometriosis for years, welcomed her son on July 13th, 2017. In a post on Instagram, she shared the photos and wrote:

Ex-Tanzanian beauty queen/model, Millen Magese, unveil her son

Those 1000 Needles were all worth it . I didn’t deserve the pain but I deserve you.And then came BABY and that Miracle Baby is you !MY SON !Its You My Prince Kairo. I call you Miracle.You look so much like grandpa.Father I thank you for this gift. May this image of me and my son lift your energy and bring you Hope #STAYPOSITIVE

My son, Being a mother has always been a dream for me. I was so heartbroken when I was told I couldn’t have you. So I fought extra hard for you. The injections,the pain ,the anxiety but most importantly was fear of loosing you. I took some really bold decisions just to have you and I am so proud. I know one day you will come across these images and so much about you. Be proud ! Be proud my Prince.

You must be Proud my Son. You saved your mom’s life and pain,pain of dealing with Shame,pain of frustration and fear,pain of loosing a womb before having you etc. I’m not sure how I would have coped if I removed my womb before fighting for you. My life wouldn’t be thesame.Y ou made me so happy. You brought me so much joy.

You made me a mother. You brought so much hope to millions. I love you very much. Holding you in my hands is a miracle after all I went through from Endometriosis and infertility battle. A disease that we still fight for a cure,bt having you has made me so fearless,now I can do anything.

I can fight any pain ,I can take any decisions,just to make sure you’re ok.You my Son. My Miracle son .You are a proof that our God is truly a miracle worker. Just so you know ,you have a great family here who loves you dearly. Don’t ever feel afraid if one day I’m not here physically. I will forever be with you and watching over you. You’re my Baby. Mama Loves you Prince Kairo .

Thank you for changing my Story, giving HOPE to millions. and choosing me to be your mother.  I Love you Babaa.

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