by Duchess Magazine

Did you know there is a Kickstarter for a monthly subscription box that allows children to learn about careers and influential Black leaders in different trades? Ignite your child’s dreams with this STEAM-focused idea!

What is the Dreamkeepers Box?

Each month is dedicated to a certain career theme. Planned themes include architecture, inventing, aerospace, visual arts, computer science, agriculture, and music. Each box will contain 1 to 2 books focused on African American leaders, an activity guide, supplies for activities, collectible DreamKeepers cards, and more.

Who is the DreamKeepers Box for?

The DreamKeepers Box is for ALL kids ages 8-12 who love to read, discover, experience, and/or tinker. The box will ignite curiosity about African American leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math. The DreamKeepers Box is for all children, regardless of race or ethnicity.

Meet the Founders

The Dreamkeepers Box founders, Eleisha Nelson and Deena Williams met while working at a Los Angeles-based education nonprofit and found that they shared a passion for good food, funny internet memes, and making a difference in their community.
Together, they have extensive professional experience in K-12 curriculum design, finance, and marketing.
Their friendship evolved into a business relationship as they came up with the  idea to create a culturally relevant STEAM-based experience that would allow kids to dream big and see themselves as the next generation of business and civic leaders.

“We believe it is critical to provide positive images and expose kids to the rich diversity and amazing contributions of Black people, not just in February, but all year long.”


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