Dope Girls! ?? Former Nike Executives Launch Black Owned Cannibis Consulting Agency

by Duchess Magazine

Brand experts Rachel Bradley and Rene Chatfield, with decades of mainstream brand and marketing experience, drawing from personal experience embarked on a mission to bridge the divide and empower minorities, helping them gain traction in the cannibis industry through their initiative – Dope Girls Consulting, a full-service agency providing cannabis license application support and industry-specific marketing, branding, and design advisement.

“We noticed there was a lack of resources available to small businesses and applicants with less startup capital. Dope Girls Consulting grew out of a desire to help people from all backgrounds enter this thriving industry,” said Bradley.

Bradley is noted for haven directed “integrative and experiential” programs for Samsung, Nike Inc. and Roc Nation.

Chatfield is also a former marketer for Nike, as well as the WNBA, and NBA. She has used cannabis to treat sports injuries for years.

“I saw firsthand how athletes were being offered harmful pain management options. While learning about cannabis, I realized it was imperative that we develop healthier alternatives and find ways to inspire more minorities to get involved with the cannabis industry,” stated Chatfield.

“The harm that has been inflicted on black and brown communities from the war on cannabis is something that cannot be forgotten as we begin to re-imagine what this industry could look like through legalization,” Bradley told Benzinga.

“Our mission at Dope Girls Consulting is to shift the culture within the cannabis community by helping minority and female owned businesses tap into this space, resulting in a more equitable and inclusive industry,” added Chatfield.

“Cannabis leadership positions are primarily held by white males. Our focus is changing the narrative and serve as industry catalysts for a more inclusive community,” she concluded.

Dope Girls Consulting is currently working with Illinois cannabis license applicants under the state’s social equity program.

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