Senior Telecom executive Chantal Kagame has been appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MTN Mobile Money Rwanda Ltd, a newly-created fintech subsidiary.
She will be in charge of driving business development, strategy, innovation, and day to day operations of the company recently launched by MTN Rwanda.
With over 19 years experience in Multinational Telecommunications and a track record of excellent achievements in areas of Executive Leadership, Sales and Distribution, Mobile Financial Services, Strategy Development and Execution, Corporate Affairs and Credit Management, Kagame comes highly recommended for the job.
Prior to joining MTN Rwanda, Chantel was the Deputy CEO/COO at Togo Rwanda for 3 years and Head of Sales, Distribution and Corporate Affairs at the same company from 2011 – 2015.
Kagame expressing excitement for the opportunity to lead the fintech subsidiary, said:
“The prospects for future growth and expansion of mobile money (MoMo) services in Rwanda are immense. Our commitment is to enhance the MoMo user experience and keep innovating products and services aligned with our digital ambition,” she pointed out.
“The transition process to a standalone business has now kicked off and we look forward to cementing Mobile Money Rwanda Ltd as a key fintech player in the Rwandan market.”
MTN Rwanda CEO Mitwa Ng’ambi said the company was glad to announce the establishment of Mobile Money Rwanda Ltd as a wholly owned subsidiary of MTN Rwanda.
“One of the key pillars in our strategy is to establish platforms that our customers find valuable,” Mitwa said.
“Mobile Money has matured over the last ten years in Rwanda, and this marks a pivotal milestone in our journey toward a cashless economy.”