Bukola Somide: The Nigerian Inventor Of First-Ever Computer Science Interactive Doll To Tackle Cyberbullying

by Hamid

There are varied ways for kids to learn computer science and programming these days. 

Bukola Somide, a Nigerian tech enthusiast, has created the first-ever Computer Science Interactive Doll called “Somi”. Somi is a 14-inch doll aimed at making playtime both educational and entertaining. 

The doll is equipped with 12 voice-overs that help teach Computer Science concepts in a fun way and also deter cyberbullying.

The Somi STEM doll was designed based on the main character in Bukola Somide’s children’s storybook entitled: “Somi, The Computer Scientist: Princess Can Code”. As illustrated in the book, Somi is a curious, bright, humorous, and beautiful young girl who has a natural interest in learning Computer Programming concepts from her mother.

Her desire to know and learn more allows her to connect what she’s learning with real-life experiences. Hence, Somi’s persona was created with the aim that it will appeal to young learners who would find her relatable and want to befriend her.

“My passion is to bring computer science awareness to underserved communities while deterring cyberbullying. I’m so excited for everyone to experience Somi, The Computer Science doll!” Bukola said.

Somi The Computer Scientist storybook, doll, and Computer Science activity books -Image credit: kickstarter.com

The 14-inch Somi Computer Science Interactive Doll is made for everyone from the age of three. Somi has been described as a “real educational, entertaining, and inspirational tool for young learners and keepsake to celebrate milestones for young adults.” 

Through Innovant Technologies LLC, Bukola Somide first published children’s storybook subtitled “Princess Can Code” in 2018 which was rated five-stars on Amazon.com. 

She has also published a Computer Science Activity Book for boys and for girls. She launched “Somi Computer Science Coding Workshop” for kids which are currently being worked on so it becomes available as an affordable online mini-workshop. 

Somide’s vision is to create more children’s storybooks to build out the “Somi, The Computer Scientist” series, publish more Computer Science Activity books to cover more advanced concepts, and also develop a mobile application to disseminate online materials such as eBooks.

Outside being a software engineer, Somide is an inspirational speaker, entrepreneur, author, and project management professional who is purpose-driven. 

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