
by Duchess Magazine

 Mississippi Twins Named Valedictorian And Salutatorian With Identical 4.1 GPA

La’nisha and Ron’nisha Richardson, twins from Yazoo City, Mississippi are graduating at the top of their class, with an impressive 4.1 GPA, WAPT reports. Both are seniors at Yazoo City High School in Mississippi.

La’nisha was named valedictorian of her class while her sister Ron’nisha was named salutatorian.

It didn’t just happen though, it took lots of hard work: “I actually have a goals list and on the top of that list it says ‘valedictorian of Class of 2020,’ so it was always in my head,” La’nisha said.

Having a strong support system also helped in the actualisation of their dreams: “We definitely credit our mom when it comes to making sure we are on top,” Ron’nisha said. “It’s our work and we have to get it done, she makes sure we get it done and if we don’t get it done, it’s gonna be a problem,” La’nisha added.

Although the twins admitted that with schools being shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic the accomplishment is a little bittersweet, not able to participate in traditional senior activities like prom and graduation.
The pair is pushing forward and have already made plans for their future. La’nisha is attending Mississippi State to pursue a degree in physical therapy and Ron’nisha is joining the Air Force to follow her dreams of working in the medical field.
Well done!


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