African Dream: My Dream is to Change the perception of African Culture- Swaady Martin

by Duchess Magazine

Swaady Martin, is an inspiring advocate for African women’s economic empowerment.  is founder of YSWARA, a rapidly growing African luxury brand. YSWARA creates elegant, high-end products using the continent’s natural resources, all produced by African artisans.

The product range centers around exquisite teas sourced from across Africa, Swaady aims to capture a true spirit of African luxury by reviving Africa’s endangered cultural heritage and unique ancestral craftsmanship.
Her dreams towards redeeming Africa’s lost heritage in culture and uplifting the tradition is seen utmost to her, She explained.“I wanted to produce a luxury brand that was truly African in origin, nature and tradition. All our products are sourced from Africa and crafted by local craftsmen and artisans, combining traditional techniques with modern designs. YSWARA supports some of Africa’s top creative talents and believe in an authentic African luxury marrying both economics and social values. We call it the LUXE UBUNTU. The Luxe Ubuntu creates economic value in a way that also creates value for the African society at large by addressing its prosperity needs and challenges.”                              
YSWARA is present in 4 countries — South Africa, Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire and France — with 15 different direct and indirect retail points.

She can be tagged a woman supporting other women,she is So committed to this higher cause that she only employs women and seeks to buy her raw materials from women producers.
“my dream is to capture true African luxury, change the world’s perception of Africa and produce a luxury brand that is truly African in origin, nature and tradition.” she said.

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