Advocating for Inclusion: WISTA President, Eunice Ezeoke Addresses Second Generation Gender Bias

by Duchess Magazine

Eunice Ezeoke, President of Women in Shipping and Trading Association, WISTA Nigeria, highlighted the urgent need for gender equality in the workplace.

In a compelling address at the Duchess International Women’s Day Conference in Nairobi, Ezeoke emphasized the importance of inclusivity, stating that it is crucial for organizations to establish fair treatment for all staff, regardless of gender.

Eunice shedding light on second-generation gender bias, discussed the subtle but impactful biases that hinder women’s advancement in the workplace, such as describing leadership traits in masculine terms and reluctance to mentor women due to societal perceptions. She emphasized the importance of recognizing and addressing these biases to create a more inclusive and equitable society. Ezeoke’s address has sparked conversations about the role of men in advocating for gender equality and inclusion.

She further called for the development of strategies to create inclusive corporate environments that foster the development, advancement, and retention of female talent. Ezeoke’s address resonated with many attendees, sparking discussions on how to address gender disparities in various industries.

Eunice, advocating for the importance of STEM education for women and girls. also highlighted the need for educational curricula to embrace STEM education, stating that it is essential for the future of any country. She emphasized that STEM education unlocks the potential for innovation and equips women with the skills needed to succeed in a rapidly changing world driven by technological advancements.

Ezeoke’s call to action has sparked conversations about the role of STEM education in empowering women and girls globally.

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