A Quick Health Benefits Of Tiger Nuts

by Duchess Magazine

Tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus), also called chufa, atadwe, yellow nutsedge, and earth almond. it is a crop of the sedge family widespread across much of the world.

Tiger nuts are the size of chickpeas with a narrowly sweet and coconut-like flavor. They are starchy and fibrous.

General Health Benefits:
1. Improves Digestion.
2. Boost the immune system.
3. May reduce blood sugar levels. 
4. Rich in nutrients.
5. May aid weight loss.

Health Benefits for a Woman:
Tiger nuts are rich in magnesium, and good for women suffering from hair loss. Magnesium also helps with the prevention of menstrual difficulties and conserves the body’s pH to avoid the formation of infections.

Health Benefits for a Man:
Due to the arginine content in tiger nuts which act like viagra, men with low libido or sex drive during sexual intercourse can use it to improve sexual performance and last longer in bed.

Tiger nuts are also a good substitute for cow milk because of their non-animal origin and healthy fats. It contains around 80% unsaturated fats and only 18% of the cholesterol causing saturated fat. Rich in vitamin E and C.

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