All is set as Syfy has gathered its full ensemble cast for the TZGZ anime-inspired comedy Magical Girl Friendship Squad and writer, actress and standup comedian Quinta Brunson @quintab from A Black Lady Sketch Show leads the pack alongside Anna Akana (Let It Snow). Others on board are Ana Gasteyer (Saturday Night Live, Wine Country) and Matteo Lane (The Comedy Lineup). Brunson shares the lead with Anna Akana, and series regulars include Matteo Lane and Ana Gasteyer. Manny Jacinto, Christine Baranski, Helen Hong and Sarah “Squirm” Sherman will also star in recurring roles with guest stars Jason Mantzoukas, Jamie Loftus, Vella Lovell, Paget Brewster and Patti Harrison, Deadline reports. Stephanie Sheh, Taylor Ortega and Daisy Hobbs are cast as “utlity players,” which will see them lending their voices to multiple roles in the series.
The series is created by Kelsey Stephanides and was originally airing on SyFy’s TZGZ animation lineup as four-minute shorts.