14-Year Old Girl Graduates From College With Two Degrees

by Duchess Magazine

Meet Shania Muhammad, a 14-year-old African American student from Oklahoma who has graduated with two associate degrees from both Oklahoma City Community College and Langston University, making her the youngest graduate known from both colleges.

Shania has been an achiever in school obtaining an ACT score of 22. She has become driven to reach more academic achievements.

In an interview with News 9, she advises; “Don’t let your age be the ceiling to your potential and want to push that. You cannot let that be a barrier to your life. It’s like I was in the seventh grade and the whole time I was on the collegiate level I just didn’t know it,”

At age 13, she started her studies at Oklahoma City Community College. Then attended Langston University to follow in her parents’ footsteps and for the HBCU experience.

After about a year of completing her credit hours, Shania received an associate degree in diversified studies from Oklahoma City Community College and an associate degree in general studies from Langston University, with a distinction.

She gave credit to her parents for her Success story, encouragement, and for intelligence that comes with the genes. Shania’s father Elijah Muhammad shared that their family so far has “over 150 medals, over 50 trophies” and more.

Shania’s brother is also following in her footsteps as he enrolls at Oklahoma City Community College at the age of 12 securing a career in Cybersecurity.

Shania plans to continue her education at Langston University to pursue a bachelor’s degree in family consumer science and a minor in plant soil science.

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