The journey from the land of bondage into the Promised Land was
no easy task for the Israelites. They had to overcome difficulties,
fall many times and learn to rise again before they ever arrived at
that desired land of milk and honey that had been promised to
Your rise into greatness is going to have a wilderness phase, of
that you can be sure. But it isn’t meant to destroy your faith or
cause you to self-sabotage and revert back into the old life that
you no longer want…
And while most successful people are still shying off from that
opportunity to be vulnerable and share some of their secrets for
success, I have collected a few wise words from individuals who
are rising authentically. Individuals who aren’t afraid anymore to
share some of the paradigms they've developed, which ultimately
led to their success.
I also have a long list and downloadable pdf of 21 inspiring women
who've shown us that women can really change the world and I
highly recommend you check that out and perhaps even download
that copy so that you can create your own reminders to stay on
your path and keep pursuing your passions no matter what.
Shifting reality is simple but it won't always be the easiest thing to
do, especially if like me, you grew up in great lack and poverty…
Yet if you want a life of freedom and a business or career that
thrives, you must be willing to follow the path less travelled.
So the next time you get flustered, feel overwhelmed or maybe
even discouraged about your current conditions, may these 10
inspirational words of wisdom from fellow women of power,
passion and purpose who’ve demonstrated that women can
change the world, help you stay focused and in your alignment
because you certainly can rise into your greatness and make a
difference in the world.
As we continue to forge our own paths and create freedom based
prosperous lifestyles, it’s important that we keep fueling ourselves,
encouraging ourselves and surrounding ourselves with people,
things and ideas that inspire and push us to reach new heights in
business and in life. May these 10 quotes go a long way in helping
you to attain that.
1.Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules
and build a life you’re proud to live.
– Anne Sweeney
2.Many women live like it’s a dress rehearsal. Ladies, the curtain is
up and you’re on.
– Mikki Taylor
3.We are here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw
little torches out to lead people through the dark.
– Whoopi Goldberg
4.My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life,
but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the
next moment.
– Oprah Winfrey
5.The way to achieve your own success is to be willing to help
somebody else get it first.
– Iyanla Vanzat
6.If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream
more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an
excellent leader.
– Dolly Parton
7.When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often
we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one,
which has opened for us.
– Helen Keller
8.I learned to always take on things I’d never before. Growth and
comfort do not coexist.
– Ginni Rometty
9.I don’t go by the rulebook. I lead from the heart, not the head.
– Princess Diana
10.If this is something that you really want to do, if you believe in
it… Simply keep forging forward because success will come.
– Cassandra Sanford
About Author:
Janette Getui is a lifestyle, leadership and wealth psychology coach. She’s certified as
a personal and business coach, a law of attraction expert and thinking into results
facilitator who’s had the pleasure of being trained and work with some of the biggest
names in the personal development industry such as Bob Proctor. As such, she’s on a
mission to help others awaken to truth because she believes in freedom and
prosperity for all.
As a transformational coach, in-demand speaker, trainer, seminar leader and
breakthrough queen who came from a homeless hostile background, she’s created an
extraordinary story for herself and now shows others how to do the same. Born in
the second largest slum of Kenya, in Africa, she turned around the fate that was
handed to her by rewriting her destiny by progressively creating her rags to riches
story literally from scratch into the successful entrepreneur, thought leader and
proud mother that she is today. Her mission is to help others awaken to Truth about
Life and how this world really works because she believes in freedom and prosperity
for every individual.
She devotes her time-sharing a simple formula that can show you how to make
manifest your version of heaven here on earth and attain a happy, healthy wealthy
and thriving lifestyle. Her work endeavors to help individuals seeking to become
independently wealthy how to integrate material earthly riches with spiritual
richness because that has been her main learning curve without any of the social
criteria that most people have. Having discovered that there is a connecting link that
we can use to build the bridges that connect lasting and holistic materialism with
spiritualism, she wants more people to start enjoying a good quality of life and
greater abundance. Janette believes with great conviction that you can create a new
reality and destiny for yourself and your loved ones regardless of current conditions,
circumstances or environment.
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