This Is What Beyoncé’s Fashion Line ‘Ivy Park’ Means.

by Duchess Magazine

Beyoncé, having announced the name of her brand spanking new line of athleisure fashions: Ivy Park, and when it would be launched officially,April 14th How she settled on the Ivy part seems obvious enough (hi Blue!),


She explains how she chose the name and what it is to her.

“I would wake up in the morning, and my dad would come knocking at my door, telling me it’s time to go running. I remember wanting to stop, but I would push myself to keep going. It taught me discipline. And I would think about my dreams. I would think about the sacrifices my parents made for me. I would think about my little sister and how I was her hero. I would look at the beauty around me, the sun shining through the trees. I would keep breathing. There are things I’m still afraid of. When I have to conquer those things, I still go back to that park. Before I hit the stage, I go back to that park. When it was time for me to give birth, I went back to that park. The park became a state of mind. The park became my strength. The park is what made me who I am. Where’s your park?”

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