“Motivation Must come From Within Not from others” Co Founder GhanaBamboo Bikes, Winnifred Selby Reveals success story.

by Duchess Magazine


Despite how she was neglected by her peers she didn’t quench her thirst for success, but strived to get to the peak. Winnifred Selby was just 17 years old when she co-founded Afrocentric Bamboo, a company that manufactures and markets bicycles made from bamboo under the brand Ghana Bamboo Bikes Initiative.

Her company produces bikes that are both Eco-friendly and affordable  US$100 for the local market  and made for the high terrain and rough roads of rural Ghana. Winnifred was selected as a finalist in the 2014 Edition of the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards.

She narrated her ordeals and how she motivated herself towards attaining success,“There were so many friends who laughed when they heard about the bamboo bike idea. Some people will definitely discourage you, but one thing I’ve realized in life is that you have to be focused. People never understand your journey because it is not theirs to understand.”

She added “Draw inspiration and courage from you own dreams and passions and never slack on them.


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