Kenya: Nakku Justine, A 25 Year Old Multi-Millionaire Farmer That Gets Things Done Herself

by Duchess Magazine

Africa as a continent suffers from a very high level of unemployment. Notwithstanding Nakku has taken responsibility for herself in her home country of Kenya, by creating a job that many look down on and she has become very successful at it.

Nakku Justine has become something of a viral sensation after she appeared on Nigerian news site The 25-year-old operates her own lucrative 6 acre farm in Kenya producing dairy, cabbage, cereals, carrots and poultry.

Images of Justine working the land were swiftly shared on social media, with many marveling at the sight of a young, black woman in a field that skews older and male

Ben Murray-Bruce, a Nigerian business mogul, common sense advocate and senator has recently come out to say that Nigeria needs to go back to how it generated its funds before the oil boom, which was through agriculture. He specifically highlighted the fact that local farmers are suffering, because they do not get the patronage they need to thrive.

He cited the example of Nigeria spending a billion naira every day to import rice and 2 billion dollars annually while the country has people that can produce rice.
Ben Bruce called on the Nigerian government to ban the importation of dairy products, rice, wheat and other food products that can be home grown. We must eat what we grow were his words.

If the government of Nigeria and other African countries listen To the advice of Sen. Ben and more of our African youth agree to take the initiative, we will have many like Nakku in the near future – young, creative, hardworking, confident, rich and responsible enterprenuers. If a young woman from Kenya can do this, the young people of Africa have been challenged to follow suit instead of sitting idle waiting for an office job.

In America, despite blacks’ historical relationship with agriculture they have been largely shut out of the farming industry due in part to the denial of USDA loans. African Americans currently account for just 2% of the nation’s farmers — a number that has declined from 14% in 1920. We are hoping we see more young, black people working the land.

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