Amazon Appoints First Black Woman To Its Leadership Team

by Hamid

The prime leadership decision of Amazon has fortunately pitched Alicia Boler Davis to become the first Black woman to join the company’s senior team.

Davis currently works as the vice president of global customer fulfillment and joined the company in 2019. She is making history as the first Black woman to join the S-team, which is an elite circle of leaders who set priorities for Amazon alongside CEO Jeff Bezos.

Company statistics reports that in 2019, Amazon’s workforce was made up of 57 percent men with nearly 73 percent in managerial positions.

For years, the S-team was made up of a small group of mostly white males, who worked closely with Bezos. Although more than a quarter of Amazon’s workforce is Black, the manufacturing giant adopted a rule that requires the company to consider people of color and women in vacancies on its board of directors.

After the company faced criticism for a lack of racial and gender diversity, Advertising VP, Colleen Aubrey, and Fashion VP, Christine Beauchamp, were appointed by Bezos to join the S-team. Davis will now join the two alongside VP of eCommerce Foundation, Dave Treadwell, and VP of Global Delivery Services, John Felton.

CEO of Amazon’s Worldwide Consumer Division, Jeff Wilke, who has plans to soon retire, praised Davis’ leadership and said she has been “off to a great start” with the company.

Davis will now be joining 26 other S-team members to debate big ideas for Amazon.

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