Spanish Company Creates High-Tech Mattress That Detects Infidelity

by Duchess Magazine

A brand new product from Spanish company Durmet, keeping tabs on unfaithful partners is now easier than ever. This special, infidelity-detecting mattress is embedded with ultrasonic sensors that can capture even the slightest ‘suspicious movement’ in bed.

The company came up with the idea for the strange mattress when they came across a statistic showing that Spaniards are the most unfaithful people in Europe.


“One day we saw the latest figures on infidelity that said Spaniards were the most unfaithful in Europe and we thought of an idea that would bring peace of mind to men and women, not just during the night but also during the day while they are out at work, The Lover Detection System is a clever name they’ve given to the 24 ultrasonic sensors incorporated into the mattress, which can sense when the mattress receives abnormally high amounts of pressure. The sensors transfer this information to a mobile app, and the dedicated software generate a 3D map that shows exactly which areas of the mattress are receiving more pressure, all in real time. If something fishy ever goes on in the conjugal bed while you’re away, the Smarttress will let you know” C.E.O smattress, Munros said.

Although originally intended exclusively for Spain, the company now believes that the mattress will be a hit in other countries as well. “We think the mattress will do well internationally because it is the only one in the world that uses this technology and is designed specifically for this objective”.

Photos: Durmet

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