S’African Women Protest Against Zuma ‘Sex Act’ Painting

by Duchess Magazine

Female supporters of South African President Jacob Zuma on Friday marched through the capital Pretoria to defend him against attacks including a satirical painting depicting him engaged in a sex act.
Several hundred members of African National Congress Women’s League (ANCWL) rallied outside the Union Buildings, the official seat of the government, where huge student protests were held last week.

The emergence of a nationwide student protest movement has shaken Zuma’s government amid dire economic data, high unemployment and growing mistrust of the ANC two decades after the end of apartheid.

The ANC Women’s League held its march to demonstrate its loyalty to Zuma, 73, who was recently depicted in the graphic painting by a local artist Ayanda Mabulu.
“The painting denigrates the president, not just him, but women as well, given how a woman is portrayed,” Toko Xasa, ANCWL spokeswoman, told AFP.

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