Jewell Jackson McCabe:

by Duchess Magazine

Founder, Chairperson National Coalition of 100 Black Women ?? Foremost American feminist, business executive, and social and political activist Jewell Jackson McCabe is known for championing and advancing noteworthy causes including race, gender and class, giving the underprivileged and minority group in America a voice.
Although born into an influential family, daughter of Harold “Hal” B. Jackson a prominent broadcaster and mother, Julia a business woman, the virtues of hard work and gratitude were instilled right from childhood.

Elected President of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women’s movement in 1978, under her leadership, the organisation with origins in New York which provides education and mentoring services to underprivileged women, support system to successful black women as well as championing the ultimate good of the black woman quickly expanded to chapters in 22 states with members from highly prominent backgrounds: professionals and community leaders, some members included: poet Maya Angelou, Spelman College president Johnnetta Cole, Arthenia Joyner, amongst others.

Notably today, the National Coalition of 100 Black Women which remained active through the early 1970s in New York City and throughout the United States in the early 1980s into the 1990s has grown into a body of more than 7,000 members with 62 chapters.

In 1993, Jackson-McCabe was one of the first black women to be considered for the executive directorship of the civil rights organizations the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP). Jewell Jackson McCabe’s dedication and outstanding contribution hasn’t gone unnoticed, amongst her awards are: Eastern Region Urban League Guild Award, 1979; Seagrams Civic Award, 1980; Links Civic Award, 1980; outstanding community leadership award, Malcolm/King College, 1980.

She is member: New York Urban League, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, New York City Planned Parenthood, New York City Commission on the Status of Women. ?

#NationalCoalitionof100 BlackWomen

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